Monday, 28 May 2012

SOLO resources

SOLO Taxonomy resources

David Didau has put all his resources for SOLO taxonomy in one place!  Thanks!

The Learning Spy - SOLO taxonomy

Michael Morpurgo on learning to read - link to BBC R4

Easy as ABC?

In the first of two programmes on BBC R4, Michael Morpurgo finds out just what Systematic Synthetic Phonics are and why some, not least Nick Gibb, the Minister for Schools in the Coalition Government, are so keen on them - while others, in the educational establishment and the world of children's books, are less enthusiastic.

Thursday, 24 May 2012

Learning Spies and Detectives

Blog by David Fawcett with an article about using Learning Spies and Detectives and more SOLO articles!

Interview about PJs!

Interview with Kevin McLaughlin about the personal journeys that his learners create.  Very inspiring and creative.

Alex MacLean - Aerial photographer

Photos of Cities from a different perspective

Silent World

Video showing busy places with no-one there...Eery.

Writing resource or philosophical discussion starter?!)&utm_content=Google+Reader

What happens in an Internet minute...

Stunning - and only going to get more crazy!

Insanely awesome projection mapping video

Just watch this!

SOLO Taxonomy working well...again!

Another SOLO taxonomy success story...and resources.

Things every child should do...

A campaign by the National Trust in the many have you done?!

Things you take for granted being a teacher in the UK

A list produced by Ian Gilbert of the benefits of teaching in the UK - don't blame me, but feel free to leave comments at the bottom of the list.

World Stories

World Stories

World Stories is a growing collection of short stories. This collection includes retold traditional tales and new short stories from around the world. The stories are available in the 21 languages most spoken by UK children. One in eight children in the UK speaks a language other than English as their first language. The stories can be read and listened to online, or downloaded. Everything is free!

Ipads in education - lots of links!

As David Miller puts it 'useful articles about the use of ipads in education and learning' - and you won't be disappointed!

Slow Motion Holi film - amazing!

Absolutely mesmerizing slow-motion short film about Holi, the Hindu festival of colors celebrating the beginning of spring, from production studio Variable.

Introduction to...SOLO Taxonomy

Here's a treat for you - a link to a couple of 'introduction to SOLO taxonomy' powerpoints courtesy of David Didau (aka @ learningspy on twitter).

Link to SOLO taxonomy powerpoints

Monday, 21 May 2012

Ipad apps for education

Comprehensive blog of useful ipad apps for education.

Enterprise Challenge from the BBC

Trade your way to the USA - CBBC series with linked resources. 

Teachers pack and resources (free!) to aid Enterprise education.

Flipping Bloom's Taxonomy...literally!

Slightly controversial suggestion that Bloom's pyramid is in fact wrong. Or at least upside down.

Perhaps Bloom's should be reorganised like this (courtesy of Mark Hurty):

Or like this:

Panoramic images

Need panoramic images to help your learners write better?  Or just fancy looking at some nice photos?

Thanks again to @ideas_factory for the links.

Block Posters

Create huge posters from a single image.

Upload an image and create a multi page pdf for printing.  Oh the fun to be had!

Thanks to @ideas_factory for the link.

Sunday, 20 May 2012

Hywel Robert's blog

Hywel is a mantle of the expert expert. Read his blog for many tips and, if you haven't heard, he has a book out. There's a great video about half way down. Enjoy.

Friday, 18 May 2012

Games time!

A link to a blog of links to all the games a teacher will ever need!


Bloom's Digital Taxonomy

A Prezi presentation on combining Bloom's taxonomy with modern technology.

Bloom's by Joshua Coupal on Prezi

Animations for the classroom

A blogged collection of animations for use in the classroom. Amazingly animated version of 'Lost and Found'.

More neuroscience resources and further mental wellbeing bits

Neuroscience resources and implications for schools and parents.

Website also has useful info on mental health wellbeing.

Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Monday, 14 May 2012

Epic Failures - who became successes

A useful and inspiring list of famous people who have failed, failed again, failed a bit more then succeeded. Resilience anyone?

Search Education from Google

What you've always been looking for - how to teach pupils to search effectively!  Thanks Google!

Sunday, 13 May 2012

Brainboxx - great resources

This is an absolute go to for thinking related classroom reources.

Interesting Ways? You decide.

A link to the Interesting Ways section of Tom Barrett's site - to quote 'a great example of crowdsourcing good quality classroom ideas'.  Go source your own.

Saturday, 12 May 2012

Teachers guide to using Google drive and docs

If, like me, you and your school make good use of the excellent (free!) Google apps then this guide is for you. If however you don't use them, read this and you probably will!

Google Drive and Docs for Teachers 2012 | Scribd

Influence of neuroscience on education

Interesting short summary of how neuroscience findings will impact on future education policy. Just don't tell Gove.

Friday, 11 May 2012

Positive Psychology in the Classroom

Is there a place for positive psychology in the Classroom?  Link to a presentation by David Hodgson, courtesy of Independent Thinking (again!).  Could be an interesting resource for discussion in a staff meeting.

Thursday, 10 May 2012

The M Files

A way to liven up maths maybe, but you have to buy it...and I am not on commission!

Teaching philosophy through film

What's the Big Idea?

A website set up to use film to introduce philosophy.

Picozu - online free image editor

Whilst there are a host of online free image editors, this one looks very powerful and definitely worth an investigate.

Thanks to TeachMeet Clevedon for this link 

The world's best way to make comics online

This is very cool - and seems to be quick and easy and definitely fun!

Thanks to TeachMeet Clevedon for this link

Friday, 4 May 2012

25 top education blogs

Mine isn't on the list. Yet.

10 Awesome Android Uses and Apps for Education

Six Vintage-Inspired Animations on Critical Thinking | Brain Pickings

Six Vintage-Inspired Animations on Critical Thinking | Brain Pickings

Amazing Places To Experience Around The Globe

The Cool Hunter - Amazing Places To Experience Around The Globe (Part 1)

Stunning photography of amazing places - use as a writing stimulus or just enjoy, or even plan your next holiday.  You teachers have so much holiday after all!

Whitehall department savings scheme

BBC News - Whitehall department savings scheme overspent by £500m, says report

You couldn't make it up!

An Easy Way to Peel an Orange [Food Hacks]

Eat oranges like a zombie eating brains

You know you want to!

Make Stop-Motion Movies With JellyCam 4.0

 Free Technology for Teachers: Make Stop-Motion Movies With JellyCam 4.0

Free software to make stop motion animation.  You could also try MonkeyJam

Create Story Cubes

Free Technology for Teachers: Create Story Cubes With Templates from Read Write Think

Not used these personally but they might help someone!

How effective is the professional development undertaken by teachers?

How effective is the professional development undertaken by teachers? | Teacher Network Blog |

Take this to your SLT...

Proposed Changes to allow Schools to more easily employ Industry Experts to work as Instructors in Schools - e-Consultations - Department for Education

Proposed Changes to allow Schools to more easily employ Industry Experts to work as Instructors in Schools - e-Consultations - Department for Education

How can this possibly go wrong?!!!  Add to the consultation here:

How, and How Not, to Improve the Schools by Diane Ravitch | The New York Review of Books

 How, and How Not, to Improve the Schools by Diane Ravitch

A slightly lengthy article on the USA education system in comparison to Finland - there are many similarities between UK and USA sadly...

Viking Name Generator - sometimes you've just got to know!

Learning Futures: increasing meaningful student engagement | Innovation Unit

Wednesday, 2 May 2012

Tweeting for schools

How to. Etc.

9 of the coolest educational videos from TED-Ed

Cool indeed.

Student flatlining in class

If you weren't convinced of the need to change teaching and learning then you need to see this.

Visual literacy ideas

What makes a good teacher?

In case you missed the Teach First mini conference you can listen to it here. Don't worry it's not too long!

Sheer Intelligence vs. Motivation to Learn

So, which is the most important? Read on for the answers!

Tuesday, 1 May 2012

Anxious brains have child-like circuits

Growth vs Fixed mindset infographic

Just in case you weren't sure if a growth mindset was worth it...

Is TV damaging children?

Report from guest writer for Well Tree Learning:

Pass me the remote!

Technology, romance, pop-ups!

Cool! Pop up romance book using augmented reality. What more do you want?!

iPad As....

Oxford Brookes Presentation Links -Mr. Mitchell's Blog

Examples of how to use blogs very, very well...

Mr. Mitchell's Blog

Graham Warnock: Extracts from OFSTED Briefing - 10 Feb 2012

Why It's Important to Talk Math With Kids | MindShift

 Why It’s Important to Talk Math With Kids | MindShift

Growing a Growth Mindset to Boost Students' Achievement: The Neah Bay Secondary Program Example - MindsetWorks

Growing a Growth Mindset to Boost Students’ Achievement: The Neah Bay Secondary Program Example - MindsetWorks

Using Bloom's Taxonomy in the Classroom | thoughtweavers

Explore - Rome Reborn - a magnificent tour of the ancient...

Explore – Rome Reborn – a magnificent tour of the ancient city.  Could come in useful.

Roy Leighton - The Butterfly Model overview by Roy Leighton on Prezi

The Butterfly model - from 'knowing' to 'being' courtesy of the esteemed Mr Leighton

Roy Leighton - The Butterfly Model overview by Roy Leighton on Prezi

Opposition Policy Made Simple - Independent Thinking from Independent Thinking

Concerned about current UK Education policy?  Wondering what the alternative is?  Look no further!
Opposition Policy Made Simple - Independent Thinking from Independent Thinking

Google Earth for Educators: 50 Exciting Ideas for the Classroom | Associate Degree - Facts and Information

Explore - TED curator Chris Anderson shares some fascinating...

Real teaching isn't about data | Teacher Network Blog | Guardian Professional

iPads in the Primary Classroom: Apps for Early Years & Key Stage 1

 Using Ipads in the classroom?  Early years?  Try these apps!